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The author and founder of Exotic Pets Place.

Who We Are

Peter Stones is the founder of Exotic Pets Place, the leading online resource for exotic pet care information.

With over 10 years of hands-on exotic pet ownership experience, he is deeply passionate about sharing his expertise to help others properly care for their unusual pets. 

When he’s not writing extensively researched articles or connecting with fellow exotic pet enthusiasts worldwide, you can find Peter at home tending to his own beloved menagerie of exotic animals.

Peter Stones - founder and editor-in-chief of Exotic Pets Place

Peter Stones

Peter Stones is the founder and lead author of Exotic Pets Place, the most trusted online resource for exotic pet care advice. With over 20 years of extensive hands-on experience caring for a diverse collection of exotic animals, Peter is an established authority on the specialized needs of these unique pets.
After discovering his lifelong passion for misunderstood, exotic creatures in childhood, Peter has spent decades actively involved in the exotic pet community. He has owned dozens of different exotic pets throughout his life, from tarantulas to snakes and everything in between. Through firsthand experience and collaborations with exotic animal professionals worldwide, Peter has developed expert-level knowledge on proper exotic pet nutrition, housing, behavior, training, and healthcare.
Peter created Exotic Pets Place to empower fellow exotic pet lovers with the practical, research-backed guidance they need to keep their pets happy and healthy. He oversees a team of experienced exotic pet owners and licensed professionals who provide accurate, up-to-date information based on the latest exotic animal research and best practices. When he's not writing comprehensive care articles or connecting with the global exotic pet community, you can find Peter at home tending to his personal exotic pet collection. His lifelong passion is sharing his wealth of exotic pet expertise to support others on their journey of responsible exotic pet ownership.

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Exotic pets include any uncommon, non-domesticated animals like reptiles, amphibians, birds, insects, small mammals, and fish. They require specialized care compared to traditional pets like dogs and cats.

Laws regarding exotic pet ownership vary greatly by state and local jurisdiction. Some ban private ownership completely while others require permits or licenses. Always research the legality before obtaining an exotic pet.

Proper housing is essential and should closely mimic the natural environment. Consider space, temperature, humidity, lighting, substrate, and enrichment items specific to the species.

Dietary needs of exotic pets are often complex. Feeding an improper diet is a common cause of health issues. Work with an exotic vet to formulate a species-appropriate feeding plan.

Exotic pets should have annual exams to monitor health and detect issues early. Immediately contact an exotic vet if your pet displays any abnormal symptoms or behavior.

Some exotic species may not be ideal pets for small children as they require specialized care. Supervision is always recommended when children interact with any exotic pet.

Look for changes in appetite, energy level, posture, appearance, or behavior. Reptiles and birds often hide illness until advanced stages. Monitor closely for subtle changes.

Search for vets experienced in your particular exotic species. Confirm they have proper training and equipment to handle small exotic pets before your first visit.

Reputable online forums, clubs/societies, books, and expos offer useful exotic pet care information. Connecting with experienced owners is also very valuable.

Research all husbandry requirements and associated costs. Exotic pets are a long-term commitment requiring specialized care. Make sure you can provide a healthy lifelong home.

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